5 Important Social Media Tips for Small Businesses

If there is one thing that your online business can simply not do without, it is social media. It is worth it to put in due effort and give it optimum thought to ensure maximum mileage is gained out of these tools that are at your disposal. Choosing the right company to handle the social media policy of your small business is a make-or-break decision. SEOCopyKids provides premium social media optimization services that give your small business a head start in the big online universe. Here are a few tips that will prove invaluable for your social media campaign -

Develop a Plan of Action – Step back and analyse who the customers of your business are and where are they most likely to be? Narrow down the options from amongst Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and others. Focusing your attentions on the right platform gives you a head start and also conserves your resources while giving best results.

Have a Dedicated Team – Make sure that you have the best people on the team that works on your social media campaign. From the look and feel to the expression, everything has to be in tune with your company’s beliefs. It will help bring uniformity to the content that you share with your customers. Bringing in professionals is the best way to keep ahead of competition. SEOCopyKids offers innovative solutions for your social media campaign.

Involve varied Media – Instead of just posting content, sidestep user ennui by introducing a mix of media. Try a pictograph or a video to attract more attention. Even audio recording offer a break from the monotony of written content. More the variety of media on offer, more will be the number of people you can attract.

Focus and Localise – If you are a small business, it makes sense to focus your attention on the region of your operation. Go vernacular or cater to local tastes to widen your stronghold in the area. By gauging the mood of the local people, you will be able to provide better content that will keep them coming back.

Involve your users – It makes sense to involve the people you cater to in your social media pages by way of comments, competitions, freebies or other ways. Identify people who encourage people to take the desired action and reward them adequately. There is no better way to promote your brand than to have your customers be your brand ambassadors for the sake of their belief in your brand.

Best SEO Tips for Ecommerce Websites by SEOCopyKids

Ecommerce websites are the most sought after shopping destinations that have revolutionised the way people shop. The boom in online shopping portals has made it hard to establish yourself and survive the tough competition. To survive in the race to get the maximum visitors and turn them into customers, SEO is a very effective factor. SEOCopyKids has a lot of experience dealing with traffic and conversions for ecommerce websites. Here, a few of the best SEO tips for ecommerce websites are being shared to help you stay ahead –

• Easy Navigation – The best products at the most competitive prices will fail to entice the users if the website is not user friendly. Make sure that your ecommerce website offers the flexibility of options to narrow down choices according to price range, colour, size, style and whatever else may be applicable to the product.

• Quick to Load – A website that takes time to load is bound to fall prey to fickle attention spans. However good your digital effects or animation may be, your website might rank in the best designed sites but will surely fail to attract the customers it set out to lure. Make sure it loads promptly for various browsers like safari and chrome and mediums like mobile phones and tabs.

• Optimise for each page – Treat individual pages as landing pages and optimise for the products on that page using very specific keywords. If you try to generalise and optimise each page in the broader context of the website, you may get visitors but the conversion may remain poor.

• Check Repetition – The same product should not pop up for different searches. Sometimes it is unavoidable and then care should be taken to effect robot exclusions. The same product may be reachable through different URLs and is best avoided as it portrays a negative image of the website in front of the users.

• Dealing with out-of-stock or older products – Some of the products that the users reach may not be available any longer or may be from an older collection that has been discontinued. This is a blunder that can be effectively managed by being careful about inventory and categorising it accordingly.

• Product descriptions – The most arresting thing after the product is the product description as the user cannot feel the product up-close but will rely on how it is described to make the final decision.

• Meta Tags – They are still valid and should be given due attention. Making them relevant and appropriate will give the pages an edge. Make them descriptive, engaging and worthy of a click-through.

Top 7 SEO Copywriting Tips for Getting High Rankings by SEOCopyKids

Copywriting is any writing that is aimed to sell or persuade costumers, mostly for advertising and marketing. Writing copy for SEO is very different as it is specific to the online world where attention is lost in seconds and redirected at the click of a button. SEOCopyKids guides you regarding the top 7 ways to get high ranking through your copywriting.

1. Make the Audience the focus of your writing – Write keeping your audience in mind. You may be a great writer but writing paeans to your product will not get you anywhere. You need to judge what the audience wants to find out more about and deal with the topic in stages. Go through each heading in detail and keep the interest going by taking up relevant sub-heads, one at a time.

2. Be Simple and Clear – Give clear directions regarding the problem or issue that needs to be addressed, the possible solutions and the most appropriate course of action for each situation. Spell out the procedure clearly and in language that is free from jargon.

3. Content above Keywords – Keywords have been over-abused for a very long time. While they are necessary to judge the topic of your writing, it is more important to keep the emphasis on creation of original, interesting, interactive and utilitarian content. Keep the readers coming back for more by giving them value for the time that they spend.

4. Remember to give great headings and page titles – The only way people will find out if your content is good is when they click through to read it. The only way to ensure it is to have great sounding and relatable titles that will catch their attention and stop them from browsing further without stopping to read your content.

5. Don’t chase a Word Count – Don’t be after achieving a fixed word limit. You may be able to get your point across in a few lines or you may need to go on into a few thousand words. Let the word count be dictated by the topic and your knowledge regarding the same. If you have nothing to add to the information that already exists, don’t say it.

6. Call for action – We may not want our work to sound like an advertisement, but we need to remember that we are marketing a product and offering the benefits of products, rather than highlighting features, will be beneficial.

7. Connect to Social Media - The best content can be lost if it is not easily sharable and is not shared over the many social platforms that can transform you from just another name to a Brand that’s a household name. 

Ushering in the Era of Content Marketing in 2014, the new way to SEO

As customers become wiser, they also become more efficient at filtering information they need on the net from advertising in the form of banners, pop-up ads, streamers or even paid suggestions. To be able to stay ahead in the game, it has become imperative that marketers look for a viable solution that sidesteps the issues of in-your-face marketing. This is where content marketing becomes all pervasive. The mettle of content has always been underlined and highlighted but it has become important like never before. It has to be very specific, interesting, of value to the reader and forceful enough to command desirable consumer action on the part of the reader. Going forward, content marketing will lead the way to online success.

The premise of content marketing is belief in your product and its qualities and being confident that a better informed customer base will more likely choose our product rather than shun it. It seeks to educate the customers about the product or service and guide them into making the best decision. A good content marketing campaign will help you increase profit as it affects the way people behave. Content prevails across media and is indispensible for all kinds of marketing. With the latest Google algorithms, SEO in its traditional sense is passe. More important than SEO is SEM that refers to a marketing campaign with a complete plan for content marketing. When hiring the services of an SEO firm, make sure to check their credentials regarding the quality and quantity of writers that they have, even if it means checking a few samples; it is worth the time spent.

SEOCopyKids offers unique solutions to all your content marketing needs and delivers them with precision so that it translates to more business. With our posse of articles, infographics, news items and other content we enable your business to make a difference in the online world. By taking care of creation of rational content, SEOCopyKids helps consumers become more aware of the attributes of a brand and its products and is able to relate to it better. An in-depth understanding of what sets apart good content from amazing, engaging content allows us to give you only the very best. Not just creation of blogs, articles and news features, but we focus on content that is in sync with the company’s mores and something its customers can relate to and enjoy. Without hard-selling your products, we make sure the interest of the audience is piqued and converts to sales. Understanding the psyche of the target audience and a grip on their behaviour pattern sets us above the run-of-the-mill content producers and helps us set your business apart.

An SEO Copywriting Guide by SEOCopyKids - 5 Tips for Higher Rankings

SEO Copywriting is an effective way to make your business visible online. It is different from other forms of writing in more ways than one. It is not just informative but optimized to make it easy for search engines to turn up your website in results when relevant searches are made. It is aimed to make visitors interested and keep them coming back for more.

SEOCopyKids is adept at handling content of all kinds for the web; content that has been well optimized for maximum hits. SEO copywriting is a fine art that is mastered over a period of time. There are a few basic principles that can guide you in creating wonderful content. SEOCopyKids gives you five indispensible tips to enhancing your SEO copywriting skills –

1. Longer, in-depth articles – It has been proven that the longer an article, the better its chances of ranking higher and getting more social media attention. But longer is not necessarily more engaging. To keep it entertaining and get appreciation from visitors, keep the information relevant, interesting, useful and detailed.

2. Conversational Style – It pays to talk to fellow humans than to sermonize. Optimize the text for robots and crawlers but create content keeping in mind the information that the searcher would be seeking while entering the keywords. Convey your message in a manner that is free from jargon and easy to understand.

3. Start at the Beginning; Titles – Keep your titles engaging and very apt. the reader should instantly get an idea of what the write-up is about. Rather than cheeky headings, go in for informative and interesting headings that will make the reader want to read the content.

4. Keep it Fresh – Keep on posting new content to rule out user ennui. When your content is in sync with the happenings around it, it is bound to create more interest. With the information highway providing every detail from happenings around the world, you cannot afford to shell out stale content.

5. Remember long-trail keywords – Optimizing for often used keywords is difficult with too much competition. Try to shift your focus to longer keywords that will get you more focused visitors. It narrows down the search to bring in users who are most likely to be interested in your content.

When you are with SEOCopyKids, you are in safe hands. All copywriting is in keeping with latest SEO guidelines and we make sure that your content is always original, interesting and provides value to the user. No unnecessary keyword stuffing, only very crisp and informative write-ups that will assure your audience of impeccable quality, always.

Importance of 404 Error Page - A Quick Tutorial by SEOCopyKids

404 Error is an error that a person encounters when the URL that they requested is not found. The page where they land is called the 404 Error Page. Many companies pay scant regard to the importance of a customized and optimized error page. It is an opportunity to turn a glitch into a wonderful experience that will keep the users browsing, instead of trying to find what they were looking for elsewhere on the internet. A simple 404 Error page’s disappointment can be turned around into a memorable and amusing experience by adding a touch of emotion or humor to it.

The importance of a 404 Error is great while considering the fact that when an error turns up, people are less likely to click on the website’s link the next time. By accepting that such errors will occur, you open yourself to the possibility to having a bit of fun even with the error messages that will make it seem less irritating or even entertaining to the users. Retain their attention using your imagination and provide them with a link to your website that they can use to return to your web address. Make a tongue-in-cheek error message or a straightforward statement that is in keeping with your websites purpose. Make the layout similar to that of your website so that it can be identified as being related.

SEOCopyKids is a single stop solution to your 404 Error woes, turning them around into an enjoyable error landing pages. A bit of fun and acknowledging your mistake go a long way in rectifying an error. It is important that your server configures your 404 Error status correctly. Don’t just go on correcting the apparent error pages but find out and establish all the searches that return such an error. This ensures that every single one of them is aptly handled. Not just to retain potential users but also to rule out the possibility of a Hacking attack, knowing all the requests returning 404 errors is important.

SEOCopyKids believes prevention is better than cure. So, we focus on fixing broken links and redirecting and replacing URLs that you have deleted or moved. We recognize that despite the best efforts, it is still possible that an error page crops up. In case of such an eventuality, we prepare you in the very best way by stating the reason, offering a search box and providing a link to the website’s home page.

Importance of Google Places - Reasons You Can’t Ignore

A lot of business is transacted with the customers looking up places on their smartphones. As the world grows beyond all boundaries, all the information available is being compacted to the palm of our hands. More than anyone, Google should know it best and it says that one out of every five queries in search engines is regarding a location. If you aim to attract customers to your business, you would be better off being on Google Places than not. Without costing anything and hardly taking anytime, this is one of the simplest and best ways to be visible on the internet. By being listed on Google Places, you get to feature in both the search listings and the Google Maps listings for the search query.

Anytime any of us needs to buy something or avail a service, we instinctively take out our gadgets and search online for those in our vicinity. This opens up a host of options and we click on the one that we find the most attractive, which in turn lets us get a good understanding of the business by way of location, reviews, timings, images and other information. Google Places has become our point of reference and it makes sense for every business to be listed on the same. Not just an effective marketing tool, it is also free. The ease of creation of an account makes it even more difficult to say no to it.

SEOCopyKids is a company that has immense experience in helping you with your online marketing needs, both paid and free. We highly recommend Google Places to any business seeking a local clientele. The first thing to do would be to claim the page as your own. For this you need to create a Google account and then verifying a PIN they send you by e-mail, text or snail mail. After verification, you can add a lot of details about your business including pictures and videos. For a free service, it gives you a lot of internet visibility and even better ranking in search results. They are the yellow pages of the online world and make your business easily identifiable on Google Maps as well.

There is a way to go about making the perfect Google Places account that will be beneficial for your business. Firstly, make sure the keywords you use are relevant and make it easier for perspective clients to search for you. Secondly, give a look and feel of the place to make a lasting impression by adding images and even, videos. Another thing that can help greatly is to enable reviews which create user interaction, giving you the benefits of a website, without investing in one. SEOCopyKids helps you complete your profile and gets you the maximum advantage from a service that has become indispensible.

How to Recover Successfully from Penguin 2.1 - A Simplified Analysis

Penguin is a dreaded Google Algorithm that aims to diminish links that are getting an unfair advantage to a site or page. Anything that goes against the Google Webmaster Guidelines is detected and penalized by Penguin. From paid or inferior links to PageRank by passing text ads and other taboo links, its fifth update, i.e. Penguin 2.1, tackles them all. Being a version of Penguin 2.0 that was deemed to be more potent than the Penguin 1.0, its effects are thought to be deeper. It delves into the inner pages in a more ruthless manner than the previous versions. Those sites that have had their traffic hit have been a worried lot.

It is important to analyze your web-traffic over a period of time and try to pin-point the problem that could have led to a drop in rankings (assuming they have dropped). To do this, there are a series of steps that you could follow –

1. Check Google Webmaster Tools’ notifications to make sure there aren’t any manual penalties.
2. Perform a thorough link analysis for both the inbound and outbound links of your site.
3. Identify bad links and unnecessary pages.
4. Access the quality of your content.

After having done this, you can start with the recovery of your rankings. For this, SEOCopyKids is just perfect. With a team of thorough professionals who are adept at handling the most difficult recoveries, we make your road back to being on top of the charts simple. Starting with removal of all bad links manually, we use the disavow tool as a last resort. For dealing with a manual penalty, we file for reconsideration after undoing the damaging issues. Alongside, we get right down to creating the most appealing content backed by strategy and offer impeccable quality. By encouraging reader participation by means of guest blogs, comments, shares and much more; we make amazing engaging content happen.

SEOCopyKids enables you to identify, remove and edit links with exact match anchor text that could be a reason for dropped rankings. Unnecessary pages on your website could be considered gray hat as many websites use it to increase internal linking. We help you streamline your website without losing its soul. Knowing the difference between links that help and harm your website can go a long way. Trustworthy links should be gathered and mass acquired ones abhorred. Links develop when you are genuine in your efforts to garner and retain an audience. Working towards recovery is easier when you are in expert hands and SEOCopyKids is the most dependable choice.

301 Redirects for Effective SEO, SEOCopyKids Tells You How

A redirect is just that - a redirection from one URL to another. Of the various kinds of redirects, 301 redirect refers to the one that suggests a permanent relocation. It can be very useful from SEO point of view. Not just users but search engines are also redirected to a page that is different from the one requested by them. Say, a website or online business has moved to a new URL; all the effort put into building the old site - the link juices, the rapport with visitors, the ranking - could just go down the drain. To retain the maximum ranking benefits of your previous website, a 301 redirect comes in handy. 301 is the HTTP status code for such redirects and limits the organic traffic you might lose by redirecting.

Deciding to use a 301 redirect is an important step towards maintaining your previous PageRank. Whether you are buying a new domain, trying to divert the traffic of another domain to your domain, merging two websites or deleting pages no longer relevant; it comes in handy to make sure the visitors can’t tell the difference. By using an incorrect redirect, you stand to lose business as you drop in rankings and traffic. A nicely executed redirect has least impact on your SEO authority and saves you not just a lot of effort but also time and money. The value of the previous website is transferred gradually to the new website depending on the relatedness of both, as search engines recognize the shift. It saves a lot of groundwork involved in building a new website by transferring the link juices and PageRank.

SEOCopyKids understands redirects like no one else. We help you secure your 301 redirect in a manner that your link building is retained. It is not a simple command that will just happen at the click of a button but also requires actions to avoid errors. We are also adept at handling new websites that want to make a great start by offering old sites with related keywords and good link juice for redirects. Whatever your requirements, SEOCopyKids offer the best solutions. We also provide adequate follow-up SEO that will give a boost to an already booming website. By availing our efficient 301 redirect SEO services, you do your web business a favor. Not only will you be retaining your visitors but also PageRank, both of which are important for conversions.

Launching a New Website? Avail Best SEO Services from SEOCopyKids

Launching a new website may mean you are launching a new business, creating an online identity for an existing one or refreshing it. It entails a lot of work on every front like management of human resources; figuring out and handling the economics of your business; production and sourcing of goods and providing services. With so much work that is set to amplify on the launch of a new website, making sure your website is well optimized in all respects is another additional task that involves full attention. It is unlikely and even non-recommended that you take up the onus of dealing with a completely new and unrelated field.

A reliable SEO service provider will give your website an impetus right from the start and is a very good investment. SEO makes sure that your business is searchable and reaches out to potential clients and nothing is more frustrating than waiting for orders or clients to pour in after a year or six months and then decide to hire a reputed SEO service provider. In fact, before you launch the website, you should hire a SEO provider to guide you regarding every aspect of your website from the name to the content and design. Right from the most important keywords to the most effective and user-friendly interface, having an experienced and well-versed SEO company by your side is very important.

SEOCopyKids is your perfect partner in the journey from conceptualizing a website to launching and maintaining it. We start with understanding your products and services and search for and narrow down the best keywords to optimize for. We also make sure that the phrases that we coin with these keywords are semantically oriented to gain maximum benefit. These keywords are added to our bank that will be drawn upon for tags, URLs and content. The focus is on making your website ready for users with short attention spans; every page within easy reach and quick to load. Also, we take care that those who land on a particular page have their queries answered to turn them into regulars. All our content is unique, engaging and well optimized that will have visitors return for more.

Having said all that, SEOCopyKids is swift in launching the website well within stipulated time and that too after testing it for performance. We bring consistency to your website with appropriate and effective design and content that makes it sharable. Easy sharing options are an asset in the online world and we help you achieve it. Every page of your website is an entity in its own right and with us, you can be sure of good search engine rankings for the same. In short, SEOCopyKids is your best one-stop-shop for all your SEO needs.

5 SEO Tips for Your Mobile Website

A big chunk of website usage and especially ecommerce comes from mobile smartphones. In such a scenario, it is prudent to make sure that you pay attention to the look, feel and working of your mobile website as well. A high-end luxury products website that looks kitschy will not be able to draw the right clientele; and the visitors that it draws may not be looking for such products.

There are five basic rules to follow to keep your mobile website topping the popularity charts –

1. Simplicity Pays - With desktop websites you can get a bit expressive and indulge your need to add design elements and descriptive text, but as a rule of thumb, refrain from going overboard for the mobile website – Keep it Simple. The need is to keep the barrage of information leashed and the design elements minimalistic. Stick to basic information that is absolutely necessary and trim the flab.

2. Ease of Use - Another thing that can benefit a mobile website is that it loads quickly and is easy to navigate. The buttons should have clear markings that are unambiguous. The language used should be such that it should add value to the website and not detract from the products.

3. Product and Brand Balance – It is imperative that the product takes centre stage but at the same time it should not turn generic. Incorporate your logo and brand name into the design so that it is important and becomes an integral part of the products.

4. Remember the Social Media is all pervasive – When you cut the unnecessary items, do not do away with the share and social media options as they are helpful in promoting your brand. In fact, make it easier to use social media components without leaving your website.

5. Redirect and Test – The visitors should automatically be sent to your mobile website when they surf on their mobiles and no better way to figure out if that is being done correctly than to test. Test repeatedly and test for every aspect to reduce chances of error and slow performance and nip them in the bud.

SEOCopyKids understands online business very well and in the field of e-commerce the services provided by us are nothing short of extraordinary. We are adept at making mobile websites that will hook your visitors and turn them to clients. The best of products can also lose their significance for online shoppers due to a poorly constructed website. We make sure that your website it aimed at the end user and matches his needs and aim to simplify, ease, make sharable and access time and again for performance. With our goals based in your interest, SEOCopyKids is your best bet.

Getting to Know Google’s Hummingbird Search Algorithm & Recognizing its Impact

With SEO service providers and web development companies getting used to updates by Google, a completely new algorithm released after 12 years is a big deal. Aimed to make search results more valid, more precise and prompt, this algorithm is understood to focus not on individual words entered into the search engine but on the semantic meaning of the sentences. It is also an important change introduced to account for the increasing number of voice based queries. The goal is to search for results based on meaning rather than keywords. This will create some ambiguity regarding the source of web traffic with little information regarding keyword statistics. This should enable smaller websites to benefit due to meaningful results that don’t rely on keywords originating based on queries. Another angle is the commercial context of how this will benefit Google in generating more targeted advertising.

For SEO service providers, this algorithm has a few important implications. They need to understand, more than ever before, that success now lies only on identifying and focusing on the niche audience that you need to address for your particular business. Simply refreshing content is not going to be enough, it needs to go viral, be shared and given time to develop a connection with its audience in a way that they recognize its importance. Those who have been into white hat SEO have not been impacted much and in future too those who concentrate on quality content that has audience engagement shall continue to flourish. The need is to shift the focus from being exclusively on keywords to being meaningful and delivering.

SEOCopyKids is a single window solution to all your queries about Hummingbird Algorithm. With our vast experience and amazing grip on the latest tweaks introduced by Google, your website’s optimization will always be in safe hands. Those of you, who are looking for a long term partner to be by your side and ensure success, choose SEOCopyKids. Our content focuses on being interesting, sharable and linkable making it perfect for your blogs and websites. As a testament to our competence, our work has always got due results that benefit our clients.

Google’s Hummingbird Algorithm has not affected our performance and we are dedicated to making sure our services are impeccable even in future. Our success lies in understanding the basic mantra of Google searches – providing relevant answers to search queries and all algorithms and updates centre on making these answers more relevant. By creating content that is unique to the niche in which your business operates and making it likeable and engrossing, we assure you will survive many more Algorithm updates like Hummingbird, unscathed.

Using Meta Tags for Maximum Effectiveness

Meta tags contain the information that the users look for on a search engine. To use them to your website’s benefit requires knowledge and understanding of its workings. While it is possible for you to learn a few basics, it is best to leave the higher level work to the professionals. While it is widely believed that SEO involves little more than keyword insertions, in terms of Meta tags it could not be farther for the truth. Overusing keywords will only have a negative effect. Also, a premium SEO agency will give you a different and effectual Meta Tag optimization for each page.

SEOCopyKids.com ensures that you get the best Meta Tags for your Web Pages at the most affordable prices. Our highly result oriented Meta Tags will get your web pages due attention. The Title Meta Tag is the most important and is a clear and crisp outline of your web page. It is displayed in search results, making it important from both SEO and also user’s point of view. We don’t stuff it with keywords; we make sure it is interesting and has the relevant keywords too. Following this you need to have a good Description Meta Tag. More descriptive than the Title Tag, it is more important as a description of your site that users get to analyze before clicking on the link than from SEO point of view. Repeating keywords is not required in Meta Tags but placing them at strategic places in text, towards the beginning of the sentence, is definitely a good move. The focus should be on appropriate Meta Tags and not on filling up all space with keywords. Also important is the keyword Meta Tag, Robots Meta Tag and others that you should leave to the experts to tackle.

We at SEOCopyKids are very particular about – not stuffing keywords into Meta Tags, placing them at the correct place for maximum impact and using only original and most effective Tags. We understand the importance of brevity and know how to use words to your best advantage as not every word you write in Meta Tags can be indexed due to database constraints. By creating Unique Meta Tags for each page, we make sure that the relevance of each page increases, raising their chances of figuring in search results. We can be your websites’ savior and provide you effective Meta Tag strategy at surprising prices.

Serious about SEO? Don’t Overlook Structured Data

SEO deals with putting things in an order that is easily understood by humans as well as the search engine robots and crawlers. It aims to throw up the best results according to context and content. It may be difficult for search engines to go through every word and in the process appropriate information may get skipped. While most SEO providers look at keywords and metadata very seriously, they tend to sideline structured data, forgetting it is an indispensible part of SEO. Every kind of website and webpage benefits from the same. It is the extra and apt information that can be added to the HTML makrup of the website that appears as the rich snippets in SERPs. Structured data can be in the form of Microdata, Microformats and RDFa.

Structured data helps SEO by providing a better user experience by offering more relevant sites in results. To make your site more visible in SERPs, make sure that your data is informative and appropriate. Google’s Markup Helper is a great tool for the same. You can select the tags that you want to select to better describe your website in results and make an impact on the users. This is the language that is amply clear to search engines and enables them to understand your website and place it better in results. But its biggest drawback is the limited information that you can tag.

SEOCopyKids.com is your one stop shop for all your structured data needs. From ratings, author pictures and location to other information, all information can be associated with your websites’ results reaping wondrous rewards for you. The benefits range from increased search engine visibility to increased conversion rates. Our team of well versed experts will take care of the perfect schema for structured data for your website. By making the contents of websites easily understood by users and search engines, you are better in search rankings.

When you search for any keywords in a search engine, the number of links with rich snippets next to them is enough to explain their preference by search engines. Though difficult for the layman, at SEOCopyKids, it is something that we are proficient at. With our HTML experience, we can provide you with varied kinds of rich snippets to suit your websites’ needs. Before launching any changes, we use schema testing tools to ensure that the changes we have made are apt. give your website the advantage of structured data with SEOCopyKids.Com.

5 Easy tips to make your Website Social Media Friendly

Being visible on the social media platform has becoming increasingly important in the last few years. While initially the focus used to be solely on search engine optimization using keywords and other techniques, social media has evolved to become a very important part of it. The online world now relies on interaction as supported by blogging and social media. To achieve your business goals it is important that you get in touch with your customers directly and personally and there is no better way to do it than the social media. Here are a few tips that will help make your website social media friendly -

Content that engages – You may be a writer of great repute but writing for social media is different from other kinds of writing. It needs to engross the reader and arrest his attention immediately. He may be browsing on his smart-phone and if the content doesn’t catch his fancy right away in the first line itself or the title; he is unlikely to read it when he sees a link on his social media pages.

Be Precise – Know what gets your customers to your site and build pages to highlight and provide for that need. If they are looking for information regarding personalized stationary, give them options for the same and do so in a manner that tells them why you and no one else.

Easy Sharing – Make sure that your content can be shared over a range of platforms and is easy to share. Put the buttons to share at a place where they are easily accessible and also minimize the steps that sharing involves.

Mobile friendly – A lot of social media is accessed over smart phones and it makes sense to be very sure about the compatibility of your website with different browsers. Android, Windows Os, iPhone OS and more should be tested for before launch to avoid problems later.

Interaction is Key – You have built a great website and have social media pages and groups in place; now what? You need to make sure that the pages don’t just exist; they are there for a purpose, interact with your customers to ensure satisfaction. Answer queries, post updates and make it interesting.

Use images – It is simply a very effective tactic to make an impact. Try to use original pictures and ones that are attractive and command a click. Even pictures make a great upload with just a title as it is rightly said that a good, meaningful picture can say a million words. Remember, you main content may not be available on social media websites as it is just a medium to attract visitors to your main website.

Has your Website been affected by Google Algorithm Updates - 21 August & 4 September ’13?

‘What is the constant need to update the algorithm?’ you ask. Like any other company, Google needs to rake in profits. It does so by using Adwords; its paid keywords that enable you to improve your rankings. When it sticks to a particular algorithm for too long, people understand how to get better ranking without using the Adwords, prompting Google to change it. Also, it does so to enable people to get hold of the most relevant results. So, if your content is original, engaging, relevant and popular, and you website holds value for its users, you don’t have to worry too much.

On August 21 and September 4, 2013, a surge was noticed in the changes to the traffic to various websites. Many websites reported a drop of as much as 80% in their traffic. Is your site also affected? If your ratings have suddenly plummeted around these dates, then yes. Here’s a list of things that could have affected the ratings and ways to control the damage.

• Repeated content penalization – For sites that carry classified ads, shopping portals and similar websites, the content tends to be more or less the same with minor changes in the keywords. This may raise a red flag and cause your ratings to tumble owing to content duplicity.

• Stale Content Penalization – Many a times it has been seen that a website that has seen good ratings over a period of time fails to maintain the ranking owing to lack of freshness of content. Updated content has the advantage of being preferred by Google with newer content getting more importance even within the same website.

• Trusted Names & Brands – Generally established brands and names get more traffic and keep people coming back for content, products and services and thus, continue to rank well.

• New Sites wait to make a mark – New sites are not getting as much importance as the established sites as they need to prove their mettle in a competitive scenario. Meanwhile, keep adding fresh content that is of value to the visitors to ensure better rankings in time.

• Changed Keyword Preference – Many website administrators have noticed that keywords that were working well earlier have tanked but others that were not figuring in the top charts are doing much better. Try to tweak your keywords and see if that makes a difference.

• Page Quality Emphasized – Google has stressed the importance of high quality content from trusted sources time and again. If your page is well created and backed with interesting, original and regularly updated content, you shouldn’t have to worry about updates.

Manual Webspam Actions View in Webmaster Tools for Small Business SEO

SEO revolves around optimizing the results that a site gets in an internet search. The efforts involved in result optimization are all futile if there are sudden and surprising drops in rankings. Till now, Google has never been very forthcoming about why a site has been penalized. But with the introduction of Manual Webspam Actions in Webmaster Tools, all this is set to change. Verified website owners can just log in and check whether their website has been manually penalized. Of the two ways that Google penalizes websites – manual and algorithm actions – manual penalizations have always been suspected by users and they would be left wondering what drew the penalization and would be in a quandary as to how to fix the ranking again.

With the introduction of Manual Webspam Actions tool, any website owner who is a verified site owner can check if they have attracted a manual penalty and the reason for the same. This makes a lot of sense for the people who are involved in the SEO of such a site. They can find out the portions of the site that have been penalized and also, the reason for the same. These reasons can range from spam content, hidden text, unnatural links to or from your site, hacked website or others and the update also provides solutions for the same. In Google Webmaster’s Help section you can learn about various actions that you can take to resolve the problem. This has a direct impact on the direction and techniques of SEO being used. The focus improves with the knowledge, resulting in the ability to better tune the results.

SEOCopyKids.com is your best choice for understanding the problems pointed to in the Manual Webspam Actions Tool and working swiftly towards resolution of the problem with direct, concentrated steps. Though less than 2% sites are affected by manual penalization, we will leave no stone unturned to make sure your site is not one of them. We understand Google’s vision of removing content that is spam or that is low quality and gives low utility to users. We are in continuous search for spam in user generated content as well as the website to keep you off the radar of Google penalties. In case a problem does arise, we promptly fix the issue and submit a request for re-inlusion. With the newly improved transparency, we shall be able to serve your SEO requirements for small businesses better.

Google’s In-depth Articles in Search Results & Small Business SEO

Google finally has something for readers who are looking for detailed information regarding topics – the In-depth Articles, and they have started featuring in search results. This will feature as a separate section for comprehensive articles. It is aimed at the reader who is in search of something more than a quick search. Covering about 10% of people who search for detailed information on the internet, this is slated to be the next big thing in SEO after the Panda Algorithm. It will enable Google to search and present results according to relevant authors and their content.

By allowing everyone a chance to put their best foot forward, Google has ensured that a good, detailed write-up is easily accessible to people who are interested. This opens up another avenue to showcase your content apart from the regular web search. Though not all your content has to get lengthy and you can start with one such post a month to get the traffic going. But make sure that the post is the very best, optimized for inclusion in In-depth Article Search and appropriate to the audience. Claiming Authorship for your data has become all important as that is a criteria for sorting and displaying results as relevant. By creating content that engages the readers you can get Google to give your small business the attention it deserves.

SEOCopyKids.com gives you the advantage of being with the best brains in the SEO industry and raking up their understanding to build your online businesses. With us you are assured the finest attention from Google’s In-depth Article Search category as we provide you with schema article markup that is optimized content aimed to make searching for and indexing your data easy. Your content gets Authorship markup too, making it more specifically targeted at users. SEOCopyKids.com also ensures that your multi-page articles are properly paginated and correctly canonicalized. We put your logo on center-stage where it is easily identifiable. And the most important of all, we provide you with unparalleled content making sure that user interest in your data keeps Google’s interest in your content alive.

By creating content with the correct length, making it informative and useful, and focusing on quality of the writing, you stand a fighting chance to figure in the In-depth Article Search. With more and more brands investing time and energy into content marketing, the competition has gone up several notches and you need to have expert help on hand.

Top Google+ Tips for Small Business

Despite Google+ being an effective social media tool for drawing traffic, Google+ for small businesses has not caught on in many circles. People are unsure about its utility and choose to go with Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc instead. Google+ has come of age and become a powerful tool to help you channelize your website’s potency. Not only does a nicely optimized Google+ profile help you grow your links, it also gives you more and better opportunities to covey your message. This is where the importance of efficient Google+ SEO comes in and makes Google+ for small businesses imperative.

To make sure you get the maximum benefit from your Google+ account, there are numerous things that you can do to get it right and SEOCopyKids.com is the ideal choice to make the process easy and smooth.

• Perfect Profile – Your profile should be a window into your business interests. Complete and optimize it with appropriate keywords but avoid overuse. Add a high resolution cover and profile picture that is relevant and interesting. Don’t forget to add an introductory paragraph explain the nature of your business, your achievements and also, your contact details. We make all this really simple and quick.

• Be Latest, Keep Updating – Keep the people interested in your business posted about your newest posts and changes on your blog, website and elsewhere. We help you generate content that will engross your readers and keep them wanting for more. Making them keyword rich gets targeted results.

• Increase your Circles – Make as many connections as you can, but restrict them by relevance to focus your energies on a specific audience and yield better results. The more people you have following you, the better exposure you get. Making your content popular by getting you in the right circles, we empower your brand.

• The +1 Advantage – Google+ SEO is so potent because of the power of +1. It enables you to share not just with your friends and people in your circles but also in other circles and communities and hash tags.

• The Communities and Hangout Edge – By broadcasting yourself, joining and creating communities and interacting with more people, you give the audience someone they can relate to and add more value to your business. By engaging and interacting via various mediums, you can get more out of your Google+ account.

We give your business an impetus where it helps the most by being well versed in the workings of Google+ and harnessing it to your advantage.

Tips to Choosing the Best SEO Company

Choosing the best SEO Company to create an online identity to your business by making it visible is really important. There are so many SEO companies that selecting an SEO Company is a project in itself. But by taking care of a few important points, you can avail the most competent SEO services. Here are a few tips you can use while selecting an SEO company -

• Experience – Never be afraid to ask for references and make sure that the company has done enough good work to be considered worthy of handing over your account to. Having handled accounts of various kinds of trades makes the company more adept at doing different kinds of work efficiently and effectively.

• Competent Staff – The heart and soul of any good company is the staff that is well versed in the latest SEO algorithms and techniques. Keeping themselves up to date regarding the changing scenario, they rely not on instantaneous and inorganic techniques but on organic techniques that bear good results over a period of time.

• Value for Money – The best SEO Company will have a package to suit every budget. They will stretch every rupee and give you the most advantage for your hard earned cash. They do this by being focused on the results that you desire and doing away with unnecessary exercises.

• Trust – An SEO company that you can trust is a very important consideration. They should respect the time constraints that they have committed to. Work that overshoots the time limit unreasonably loses its intent and may upset a range of other activities associated with the results.

• Range – It makes little sense to go to different companies for different services. A place that offers the widest range of SEO services is the most practical. From web designing to SEO, SMO and PPC, everything under the same roof enables easy optimization.

Select a company that offers the widest range of services, at the best price and to your suitability.

Importance of SEO for Small Businesses

Search Engine Optimization (SEO), is a critical part of your creating Internet visibility. Whether your business is big or small, you will need to spend time (and money) on an SEO strategy. Big businesses have big budgets - and most large companies are very focused on digital marketing tactics including SEO. But small businesses, with limited budget, can quickly be left in the lurch. Unfortunately, without a solid SEO foundation, a small businesses will quickly find that their website is not driving any traffic, leads, or revenue.

The solution for small business is to find a SEO service provider that they can trust and who is willing to gain an understanding of their business. Investing in SEO shouldn't break the bank. In fact, the costs to effectively SEO optimize the average small business website a few times a year will cost less than filling up your printer's toner.

Today it is important to understand that every business is online because your customers are online. The first thing every business needs to do is create an effective web identity. Put your business where people can see you; be visible in the search results because that is where your customers will look for you - AND if your site isn't in the Top 10 results... you are doomed.

That is where SEO services step in. It is a great tool to enhance your web presence and optimize each page of your website for the keywords you want to be found on. And the best part is that you can educate yourself to do basic SEO for your website for free. But to get optimal results quickly, you can use the services from SEOCopyKids. It is a very affordable, highly precise and a targeted tool that gets the job of SEO optimization done right the first time.

Not sure if your small business could use SEO optimization? Follow this quick checklist:

  1. Think of 5-10 keywords you think your customer will use to find you
  2. Remember these keywords should be what "the customer" will use, not necessarily you think they'll use
  3. Test out your favorite search engine and see if your website comes up
  4. Now, switch to google.com (or .ca in Canada or your region) and repeat step #3 again
  5. Take note of the page on your site that is coming up (or not coming up)
  6. Is your site showing up on all your tests within the first 10 spots (page 1)?
  7. If not, you probably need some SEO optimization of your pages
Have a look at our Sample Report for more great ideas.

Best Tool for Website Promotion - SEO, SMO or PPC

SEO, SMO and PPC are the billboards, neon signs and posters of the online world. Their importance for web promotions is indisputable and each has its own unique importance. SEO optimizes the appearance of the website at preferential top positions in the search engines. SMO makes your website a magnet for attention on the social media platform. PPC is direct advertising where you pay to place your website’s link at a preferential position to get more customers and pay only for those appearances that lead to click through to your website.

It is difficult to choose one over the other as all three are pretty important for web promotion. What would a website’s chances of discovery be if it were to not figure in top search results? That makes SEO really badly needed. What about being visible on the social media like Facebook, StumbleUpon, Twitter, etc? An average person spends more time on the social media than on any other website. That means that you just cannot do without it. But there are some websites that would not respond so well to SEO or SMO as to advertising; for them PPC is the Holy Grail of internet visibility.

PPC gets visitors to your site, SEO helps converts visitors to customers and SMO enhances brand image and direct interaction. These days the trend is to emphasise more on SMO as social media has become an inescapable reality. The amount of attention and the effect of sharing on social media make it just perfect to put across your business or other interests in an interactive manner, get immediate feedback and bond with perspective clients. A good web promotion campaign takes into account the requirements of the website and customises the best advertising mix by balancing the SEO, SMO and PPC.

When you choose PPC, you gain protection from changes in search algorithms that keep changing and because of that a site that has been well optimised may lose ratings. They let you get immediate traffic and you can also test it for conversion results without waiting to be optimised over a period of time. On the other hand you need to pay for PPC, according to your budget but with SEO you can let the optimisation occur naturally which may take time. We can safely say that all three complement each other and can provide maximum benefit by co-existing.

Right SEO Company for Improved Search Engine Rankings

It is now well known that to be even visible, let alone make an impact, you need a power-packed SEO package from a reputed SEO company. Search Engine Rankings are so important that making them better for websites is big business. Find the best SEO Company for your website and just sit back and enjoy the rising rankings of your website. But before you hand over the charge of your website to just any company, seek references and find out how good they really are. A good SEO company takes care of your interests as their own and these are a few things that they take care of -

• Good, Original and Meaningful Content – It is a given that you should add a blog to your site but not just any blog will do. It should be related to your website, have original content that will be of interest to the reader. Use of keywords is very important but without being overwhelming. If you find that the blog is able to engage you without making the use of keywords apparent, the company is doing a good job.

• Create Social Media Profiles – With an average person spending more and more time on social media and Google also encouraging their use, it is imperative for a business. To increase your Search Engine Rankings, this is a very important step. If the company is indeed the best SEO Company, your social media profiles will let you know.

• Great Design and Formatting – It is for amateurs to pick a template and design a website; for a really good SEO company, the job entails perfect designing in sync with websites’ needs. The design has to be eye-catching and the formatting such that the most important content is highlighted and the text easy to read.

• Meta-descriptions & H 1-6 tags – The meta-descriptions and H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6 tags are very important and a good SEO company would help make an effective description and tags using the keywords that would be able to make an impact in search results.

• Get the Site Indexed – There are so many websites out there that it is silly to assume that the search engines will just find yours. Get the site indexed and use one of the many free directories that will link back to the site. A good SEO company will keep abreast of the latest requirements and algorithm changes for best SEO and provide you with

7 Killer SEO Tips for Bloggers

Blogging started out as an expression of self and has evolved to a much wider expression spanning marketing brands, image building exercises and a host of other commercial activities, over the internet. The reach of blogs is so vast and the effect so potent that they are difficult to ignore and require some understanding about how to work with to achieve their maximum potential. There are many SEO tips that will help you along the way and knowing the basics can prove to be a big advantage. The following great SEO blogger tips will smoothen out the kinks in your path -

1. Create a Niche – Choose what you want to write about and choose something that you can write a lot about. Be focused on your topic and give informative content about the same. If you write about fashion, the best SEO tip is to try and be more specific about an aspect of it; say, men’s fashion or talk about the latest on the catwalks.

2. Be Original – Never indulge in plagiarism and secure your content against it by getting a Google authorship to maintain your standing as the original writer of the content.

3. Optimise for Keywords – From the post title to the concluding paragraphs, make sure you use keywords that are appropriate and answer questions. Make sure Google recognises what your post is about and fill out a brief overview of your blog in the meta description.

4. Make Keywords long – Make sure that the keywords are as specific as they possibly can be. Longer keywords point readers to the exact thing they are looking for making the posts more meaningful.

5. Post Regularly – When your readers have a steady supply of material, they start looking forward to your posts and follow it. Even Google gives preference to bloggers who post regularly as they are more likely to be a useful resource to users and that’s what Google aims for.

6. Be Techno-friendly – By being in the know of technology like plug-ins and applications, you can easily get a drift of where your blog is headed and do the needful to rectify any problems. From knowing the traffic stats and details to finding out how well optimised your site if for a keyword; there are many things they can tell you.

7. Be user friendly – Make sure that your site loads quickly and has a sitemap to guide people around. The most important SEO blogger tip is to remember to write to hold the interest of an audience.

Top 5 On-Page SEO Tips for Ecommerce Website

SEO on-page is really important for successful e-commerce ventures. SEO for e-commerce websites calls for a different approach as compared to other websites. It pays to recruit SEO services of a professional as it is important for success. There are many ways to achieve this and the top 5 tips for the same are as follows –

1. Create Unique Content – SEO for e-commerce websites, like every other website, requires unique content but unlike other websites, because of their commercial nature it is difficult to achieve. This can be done by encouraging inputs in terms of content from users, like comments on social media platforms. Also make content so engaging that it inspires them to share your links with others.

2. Blogging Helps – By having a great engaging blog on your website, you can be assured of increased traffic. By updating your customers and subscribers about new additions and offers on the products, you keep the interest about your website alive. It is a good way of posting fresh content and being in touch with your customer base. This way you can also add keywords according to your latest requirements.

3. Engaging Product Descriptions – Most websites use the content that comes from the manufacturer as the content that their e-commerce website displays. Another mistake is copying from another e-commerce website and putting in duplicate content, a mine-field for penalties. By writing a short and interesting description for every product, you gain by not just attracting customers but also please the search engines which are forever on the lookout for fresh content.

4. Make the website User-friendly and preferably Mobile friendly – If your website takes forever to load, potential customers will take their business to the next site. A lot of trading is taking place online and someone who can find your website on the internet will equally easily find a competitor’s too. Make sure you are easy to access both on a desktop and on a mobile and do not hesitate to take SEO services for the same.

5. URLs with Punch – Make sure your URL is as closely related to the keywords of your website as possible as it will surely add an edge to it for SEO on-page. It not only becomes easier for the search engine to relate it to the website but also helps customers link it to products on your website.

Why Web Design is Important for SEO?

Your webpage is the online face of your company. SEO friendly web design takes into account the look, feel and ease of access to make it user and search engine friendly. SEO web design, as opposed to simple web design, takes into account many parameters that will ensure better ranking in search engines. Enlist SEO web design service that will help you make the most of your space and attract maximum users.

The important things to keep in mind while optimizing your website design are –

• SEO friendly URL – Make your URL memorable by including keywords separated by hyphens. Remember, shorter the better for enhanced SEO friendly web design.

• Keep the look Consistent – It is important to give the users a steady experience throughout your website that is in sync with your content and topic.

• Ease of Navigation – A web design that allows users to navigate seamlessly throughout the site provides the best user experience and it goes without showing that it will hook them for good. An enhanced user experience also calls for internal links based in content as well.

• Position Advertising Strategically – Too many ads may hamper the reader’s interest in your actual content and detract from the website’s real purpose. Try and keep it away from the main focus areas and that way you will not lose visitors, rather gain them.

• Responsive Web Design – Being in sync with the times means that websites need to be optimised and SEO ready for mobiles and tablets as well. With Google advocating responsive design, it is a given.

• Keywords Vs Content - While both are indispensible, focus more on content. Over using keywords can be harmful and they should be used judiciously. Any SEO web design service provider worth their salt will tell you that nothing can beat great content and it draws users like nothing else.

• Alt and Title Tags – SEO web design requires you make the best of your Alt and Title tags, however insignificant they may seem to a novice. Page descriptions and titles with name of the site included in them will do wonders for the ratings as will aptly tagged images.

• SMO friendly – Make sure Social Media icons display prominently on your web pages. This way you ensure easy shares and increase the number of visitors.

Focus on the building blocks and your website’s SEO will be a relative cake walk for a long time to come.

On Page Search Engine Optimization Strategies

Search Engine Optimization strategies include on-page and off-page SEO; the difference being that on-page SEO uses only the elements of the site without any external elements and off-page SEO includes elements that relate to SEO beyond your site. On-page SEO services can also help you achieve desirable results. Choosing the right SEO company for your requirements is as important as the expectations that you have from them. There are many ways to optimize your webpage; a few pointers are given below –

• Research and test various keywords before selecting them for inclusion in the content.

• Focus on keyword density but do not over-use the keywords as the search engines can tell if you are trying too hard to please them.

• Keywords are important, but don’t forget good, original content can make or break a website. Focus on giving the user value for having visited your site by providing amazing and fresh content.

• Try to have a URL that is closely related to your keyword or better still, have the most important keywords in it.

• Meta descriptions are often sidelined but they are very important for the search engines to recognise the topic and content of your website.

• The internal links should be optimised for efficient navigation within the website by using the services of a reputed SEO company.

• Pay attention to ALT tags and H1 tags.

• Structure the sitemap to be extremely user friendly and good in terms of XML.

• Quick loading websites are preferred by users as not every place and person has high speed connections and if you website loads slowly, they will run out of time and patience.

• Make sure your site is easy to use, easy to read and distraction free.

• Provide a little something extra like blogs and engaging articles on your website that will add to its appeal.

• Web robots find information about your site though robot.txt files and it is sensible to make them appropriate.

• If you need to change your URL or merge two websites for some reason, use the server-side 301 redirect. This will be helpful in retaining 90-99% link juice of the previous site/sites.

Use SEO services from a provider that will give due thought to important search engine optimization strategies and make sure you do not lag behind because of bad on-page SEO.

5 Killer SEO Landing Page Tips

You have caught the attention of the search engines and subsequently have the attention of potential customers. What next? You still need to work on keeping those customers interested. This is easier said than done. But by paying a little attention to the landing page, the page that your customers arrive on when they click a particular link leading to your website, you can create magic. It is important to be careful about the SEO of your landing pages and the following SEO tips will guide you through it –

1. Answering Queries – Make sure your landing page offers what it promises. The customers have chosen to click on the link to your landing page in the belief that you will help them get their questions answered and if you fail to fulfil that promise, they are unlikely to visit again. A home page may contain a gist of your website but that may not be what the customer is after. So, design a new page with adequate SEO, a few different pages even, to cater to needs of varied visitors.

2. Be Consistent – Keep the feel of the landing page the same as the rest of the website. Do not let the reader or user feel that they have been cheated by landing on a page that is entirely out of sync from the rest of the website. Every click comes with a number of expectations that should be fulfilled in terms of content, feel, and pitch.

3. Brevity is Important – It is important to be concise as you do not want the users to wander off before they have their answers. By burying information in reams of text, you risk losing the visitor. By not beating about the bush, you can win brownie points and attract the visitor to other pages of the website with the promise of instant answers.

4. Add Interest – Make sure you deliver something that is easy to share over social media sites, such as quotes, jokes, games and videos. If you can make the visitor smile or hook his attention in another way, you can expect people linked to them on their social networks to take the cue.

5. Organize and Trim – By shedding unwanted bits of content, design and advertising, you enable the visitor to focus better on the landing page. You wanted them there for a purpose, make sure it is achieved by removing distractions. All SEO tips are futile if their attention wavers.

SEO Copywriting Solution by Expert SEO Copywriting Team

Copywriting is a fine art and SEO copywriting is both an art and a science. An SEO copywriting solution provider needs to be aware of the most important keywords and other parameters that will make the content liked by both people and search engines. There are many companies that offer SEO copywriting services but only a handful of them are adept at creating content that makes the required impact in search engine ratings. An expert SEO copywriting team offers the best and most interesting content that is rated well by search engines.

Avail our premium content creation services that generate interest in your business and help in drawing not just visitors but also transforming them into customers. Our content writing is restricted not just to articles and blogs but spans a host of other SEO copywriting solutions. Website content, newsletters, online brochures, e-books, social media posts, product descriptions for e-commerce sites and many more competent SEO copywriting services form our repertoire. The online world demands that you arrest the attention of the reader before he clicks on the next link. Doing so requires you to be abreast of the topic that you write about, write wonderfully engaging content, hold the readers’ interest and make them look forward to the content on your site as something that has value for them.

The purpose of any webpage is to tell potential clients about the solutions that you provide and why they should choose you above others in the same business. But just telling them in a fantastic way that you are simply the best and can do for them what no one else can, is not enough. They have to be able to find you through search engine queries or else no amount of good content is of any use. SEO copywriting services ensure that you get the best balance of fine writing that embraces the concepts of SEO.

It is a must that all SEO, including SEO copywriting, be ethical and use only white hat techniques. An initial spurt may be achieved by keyword stuffing but in the end that will translate to poor goodwill amongst readers who visit the site and they may not be converted into potential customers. In addition, it may attract penalty from the search engine itself. We ensure that all the content that we provide is original, ethical, clear, crisp and action oriented.

5 Best Social SEO Tips for Small Businesses

Small businesses do not need to have a small online presence. SEO tips for small businesses can help them do a lot better in every respect. These SEO tips can range from a few easily incorporated quick changes like keywords to more gradual ones like link building. The most important thing is to realise that there is no magic formula to get a drastic improvement in SERP rankings. If someone does indeed suggest one, be wary of it for it most probably won’t be organic. A huge part of SEO comes from Social SEO as they are one of the most influential in terms of rankings. Following are a few social SEO tips that your business could benefit from –

Fill out Maximum Information – All social media sites prompt you to fill out information about your business and being descriptive in the ‘About’ field is of much help. Link your social pages to your website and vice versa.

Build a Rapport – By connecting with your users and providing engaging content, you stand a better chance of being a preferable business to deal with. By continually updating your content, you bring freshness to into the equation which is ranked highly by both humans and Google.

Build a Personalised URL – Make sure your business name features prominently in the URL for your social media websites. Not only does this lead to recall value for your website but also helps Google connect your keywords to your business’ name.

Allow Multi-platform sharing – By putting share buttons on your webpage for various social sites like Pinterest, Google+, Facebook, Twitter and more, you can help in making your content available to a wider audience. More shares = Better rankings.

Google + for added advantage – Use this Google platform for your business’ advantage. By adding more people to your posts using the +1 feature, you share it with them and enable them to share it further.

By following these starter SEO tips for small businesses, you can grow your reach and have great positive implications for your business.