5 Important Social Media Tips for Small Businesses

If there is one thing that your online business can simply not do without, it is social media. It is worth it to put in due effort and give it optimum thought to ensure maximum mileage is gained out of these tools that are at your disposal. Choosing the right company to handle the social media policy of your small business is a make-or-break decision. SEOCopyKids provides premium social media optimization services that give your small business a head start in the big online universe. Here are a few tips that will prove invaluable for your social media campaign -

Develop a Plan of Action – Step back and analyse who the customers of your business are and where are they most likely to be? Narrow down the options from amongst Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and others. Focusing your attentions on the right platform gives you a head start and also conserves your resources while giving best results.

Have a Dedicated Team – Make sure that you have the best people on the team that works on your social media campaign. From the look and feel to the expression, everything has to be in tune with your company’s beliefs. It will help bring uniformity to the content that you share with your customers. Bringing in professionals is the best way to keep ahead of competition. SEOCopyKids offers innovative solutions for your social media campaign.

Involve varied Media – Instead of just posting content, sidestep user ennui by introducing a mix of media. Try a pictograph or a video to attract more attention. Even audio recording offer a break from the monotony of written content. More the variety of media on offer, more will be the number of people you can attract.

Focus and Localise – If you are a small business, it makes sense to focus your attention on the region of your operation. Go vernacular or cater to local tastes to widen your stronghold in the area. By gauging the mood of the local people, you will be able to provide better content that will keep them coming back.

Involve your users – It makes sense to involve the people you cater to in your social media pages by way of comments, competitions, freebies or other ways. Identify people who encourage people to take the desired action and reward them adequately. There is no better way to promote your brand than to have your customers be your brand ambassadors for the sake of their belief in your brand.

Best SEO Tips for Ecommerce Websites by SEOCopyKids

Ecommerce websites are the most sought after shopping destinations that have revolutionised the way people shop. The boom in online shopping portals has made it hard to establish yourself and survive the tough competition. To survive in the race to get the maximum visitors and turn them into customers, SEO is a very effective factor. SEOCopyKids has a lot of experience dealing with traffic and conversions for ecommerce websites. Here, a few of the best SEO tips for ecommerce websites are being shared to help you stay ahead –

• Easy Navigation – The best products at the most competitive prices will fail to entice the users if the website is not user friendly. Make sure that your ecommerce website offers the flexibility of options to narrow down choices according to price range, colour, size, style and whatever else may be applicable to the product.

• Quick to Load – A website that takes time to load is bound to fall prey to fickle attention spans. However good your digital effects or animation may be, your website might rank in the best designed sites but will surely fail to attract the customers it set out to lure. Make sure it loads promptly for various browsers like safari and chrome and mediums like mobile phones and tabs.

• Optimise for each page – Treat individual pages as landing pages and optimise for the products on that page using very specific keywords. If you try to generalise and optimise each page in the broader context of the website, you may get visitors but the conversion may remain poor.

• Check Repetition – The same product should not pop up for different searches. Sometimes it is unavoidable and then care should be taken to effect robot exclusions. The same product may be reachable through different URLs and is best avoided as it portrays a negative image of the website in front of the users.

• Dealing with out-of-stock or older products – Some of the products that the users reach may not be available any longer or may be from an older collection that has been discontinued. This is a blunder that can be effectively managed by being careful about inventory and categorising it accordingly.

• Product descriptions – The most arresting thing after the product is the product description as the user cannot feel the product up-close but will rely on how it is described to make the final decision.

• Meta Tags – They are still valid and should be given due attention. Making them relevant and appropriate will give the pages an edge. Make them descriptive, engaging and worthy of a click-through.

Top 7 SEO Copywriting Tips for Getting High Rankings by SEOCopyKids

Copywriting is any writing that is aimed to sell or persuade costumers, mostly for advertising and marketing. Writing copy for SEO is very different as it is specific to the online world where attention is lost in seconds and redirected at the click of a button. SEOCopyKids guides you regarding the top 7 ways to get high ranking through your copywriting.

1. Make the Audience the focus of your writing – Write keeping your audience in mind. You may be a great writer but writing paeans to your product will not get you anywhere. You need to judge what the audience wants to find out more about and deal with the topic in stages. Go through each heading in detail and keep the interest going by taking up relevant sub-heads, one at a time.

2. Be Simple and Clear – Give clear directions regarding the problem or issue that needs to be addressed, the possible solutions and the most appropriate course of action for each situation. Spell out the procedure clearly and in language that is free from jargon.

3. Content above Keywords – Keywords have been over-abused for a very long time. While they are necessary to judge the topic of your writing, it is more important to keep the emphasis on creation of original, interesting, interactive and utilitarian content. Keep the readers coming back for more by giving them value for the time that they spend.

4. Remember to give great headings and page titles – The only way people will find out if your content is good is when they click through to read it. The only way to ensure it is to have great sounding and relatable titles that will catch their attention and stop them from browsing further without stopping to read your content.

5. Don’t chase a Word Count – Don’t be after achieving a fixed word limit. You may be able to get your point across in a few lines or you may need to go on into a few thousand words. Let the word count be dictated by the topic and your knowledge regarding the same. If you have nothing to add to the information that already exists, don’t say it.

6. Call for action – We may not want our work to sound like an advertisement, but we need to remember that we are marketing a product and offering the benefits of products, rather than highlighting features, will be beneficial.

7. Connect to Social Media - The best content can be lost if it is not easily sharable and is not shared over the many social platforms that can transform you from just another name to a Brand that’s a household name. 

Ushering in the Era of Content Marketing in 2014, the new way to SEO

As customers become wiser, they also become more efficient at filtering information they need on the net from advertising in the form of banners, pop-up ads, streamers or even paid suggestions. To be able to stay ahead in the game, it has become imperative that marketers look for a viable solution that sidesteps the issues of in-your-face marketing. This is where content marketing becomes all pervasive. The mettle of content has always been underlined and highlighted but it has become important like never before. It has to be very specific, interesting, of value to the reader and forceful enough to command desirable consumer action on the part of the reader. Going forward, content marketing will lead the way to online success.

The premise of content marketing is belief in your product and its qualities and being confident that a better informed customer base will more likely choose our product rather than shun it. It seeks to educate the customers about the product or service and guide them into making the best decision. A good content marketing campaign will help you increase profit as it affects the way people behave. Content prevails across media and is indispensible for all kinds of marketing. With the latest Google algorithms, SEO in its traditional sense is passe. More important than SEO is SEM that refers to a marketing campaign with a complete plan for content marketing. When hiring the services of an SEO firm, make sure to check their credentials regarding the quality and quantity of writers that they have, even if it means checking a few samples; it is worth the time spent.

SEOCopyKids offers unique solutions to all your content marketing needs and delivers them with precision so that it translates to more business. With our posse of articles, infographics, news items and other content we enable your business to make a difference in the online world. By taking care of creation of rational content, SEOCopyKids helps consumers become more aware of the attributes of a brand and its products and is able to relate to it better. An in-depth understanding of what sets apart good content from amazing, engaging content allows us to give you only the very best. Not just creation of blogs, articles and news features, but we focus on content that is in sync with the company’s mores and something its customers can relate to and enjoy. Without hard-selling your products, we make sure the interest of the audience is piqued and converts to sales. Understanding the psyche of the target audience and a grip on their behaviour pattern sets us above the run-of-the-mill content producers and helps us set your business apart.